2025 Doodle for Charities

Diocesan Student Contest

LENT: prayer, fasting & almsgiving

How it Works:

  • Using the symbolic chapel & cross imagery featured in the Catholic Charities logo and the word “Charities,” use your imagination to express the elements of Lent: Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving. (See student example from a previous year above.)
  • Diocesan Catholic School students may use any art materials of their choice: pastels, colored pencils, watercolor, sharpie pens, digital art, you name it!
  • All doodles need to be submitted along with the Official Entry Form.
  • The contest is open for entries starting Friday, March 21st. The deadline to submit will be Friday, April 25th at 11:59 pm (PDT). Entries will be judged in two categories: Middle School 5th grade – 8th grade, and High School 9th grade – 12th grade.

Steps to Enter:

1. Download the Official Entry Form.

2. Create your doodle:

  • Refer to the official entry form for the CCOC logo imagery
  • Feel free to use any art supplies of your choice (such as colored pencils, watercolors, digital art, or any other materials that spark your imagination)

3. Fill out the required information on the official entry form and have a parent or legal guardian sign the form.

  • Artist’s Statement Questions (on 2nd page of Entry Form):
    • Tell us about what you have drawn
    • How it represents the elements of Lent: Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving
    • What Lent means to you

4. Follow these submission instructions:

To be accepted, art must be submitted as a picture file (.png or .jpg)

  • Please name your file: FirstName_LastName (Ex: John_Smith.png)

You may use one of the following methods to submit your entry:

  • Take a picture of the artwork or scan it for better resolution
  • If digital, save the art file as an attachment

To submit your artwork:

1. Upload your file to the DropBox link. You may also email your artwork as an attachment (.jpg or .png file) to communications@ccoc.org

2. Email the Official Entry Form to communications@ccoc.org

After submitting your entry online, please drop off your original artwork to your school Principal’s Office, and we will make the arrangements to collect the physical copy from the school at a later time.

Judging Criteria:

Entries will be judged in two categories: Middle School 5th grade – 8th grade, and High School 9th grade – 12th grade.

Doodles will be judged using the following parameters:

  1. Artistic Skill & Uniqueness
  2. Creativity
  3. Theme: How well the theme “Lent: Prayer, Fasting, & Almsgiving” is expressed in both the artwork and the written statement

A panel of Catholic Charities of Orange County executives will choose three finalists

Prizes & Perks:

Prizes will be awarded for the two groups: Middle School 5th grade – 8th grade, and High School 9th grade – 12th grade.

1st place:

  • $500 cash
  • Artwork featured at the 50TH Anniversary Catholic Charities Celebration Gala

2nd place:

  • $300 cash

3rd place:

  • $150 cash

All entries will be:

  • Added to the official Marketing & Communications portfolio of Catholic Charities of Orange County
  • Featured in the Agency’s media outlets and corporate branding materials as assigned by Catholic Charities of Orange County

Doodles that are not original works or contain logos or copyrighted imagery will be disqualified

One doodle entry per student –
Any additional Doodles will be disqualified