We could not carry out this vital mission without support from many caring individuals and organizations like you. There are several ways for you to give to Catholic Charities of Orange County. Please choose the option that best suits your budget and charitable giving plan. Every gift is necessary and appreciated.
News Highlight
OC Business Journal – Charity Event Guide 2025
OC Philanthropy features trends in giving, news within the nonprofit community, as well as a Corporate Foundations/Giving list. The special edition includes over 70 nonprofit organizations and foundations, highlighting their causes and how others can get involved.
Picture of the Week

Nik, Fiona, Abbi, Zack and Fr. Biju, from Notre Dame University’s visited CCOC last week as part of the Mendoza Master of Nonprofit Administration Program. The students collaborated with CCOC on a marketing project to broaden our abilities to help those in need in our community. © CCOC Communications.
Nik, Fiona, Abbi, Zack and Fr. Biju, from Notre Dame University’s visited CCOC last week as part of the Mendoza Master of Nonprofit Administration Program. The students collaborated with CCOC on a marketing project to broaden our abilities to help those in need in our community. © CCOC Communications.