Our Vision

Cultivators of Hope

Become a cultivator of Hope!

At Catholic Charities of Orange County, we constantly innovate to find new ways to serve our community. From July 2020 to June of this year, we have served over 700,000 people and gave away over 6,000,000 pounds of food. We could not have been able to assist our Orange County community without your continuous support.  We invite you to join us as we continue our work and embark on our newest ministry to provide fresh produce from The Garden of Hope to all who visit our Cantlay Center located at 2020 W Chestnut Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92703.  

Our vision is to offer a full spectrum program by educating those in our community about the importance of nutrition, how to grow organic vegetables, greens, herbs, and how to cook healthy meals using ingredients from our garden. We have already built the initial vegetable/ fruit beds in our Cantlay Center, and we ask you to please consider becoming a Cultivator of Hope.  

“Praise be to you, my Lord, through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, and who produces various fruit with coloured flowers and herbs”.(1) Pope Francis, Laudato Si. 

(1) 1 Canticle of the Creatures, in Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, vol. 1, New York-London-Manila, 1999, 113-114.